An advanced innovative series for natural Treating & Soft Smoothing, based on pioneering patented Molecular Biomimetic technologies, to be applied within In Salon service and complementary Home Care service.

softSmooth Retexture – An advanced innovative series for natural Soft Smoothing & Sculpting men’s Hair & Beard, based on pioneering patented Molecular Biomimetic technologies, to be applied within In Salon service and complementary Home Care service.

An advanced innovative series for natural Treating & Soft Smoothing Hair Extensions & Wigs, based on pioneering patented Molecular Biomimetic technologies, to be applied within In Salon service and complementary Home Care service.


revive hair smoothing for natural hair
refine hair smoothing for coloured hair
‏״Relaminate new-מודעה copy״ - גדול
replenish hair smoothing for BlondeBleachedHighlighted Hair
‏״reactive new copy״ - גדול